Ing. Rastislav Trnka
The President:
- represents the Košice Self-governing Region externally
- acts as a statutory body in property law and labour law matters
- decides on matters of rights and obligations of legal entities and individuals according to the competences of the Region
- prevents any intervention against employees performing financial audit
- takes measures to correct errors identified by the financial audit as well as their causes
- signs agreements to establish and strengthen international cooperation
- holds meetings of Committee Chairs on a monthly basis to discuss their current issues
- convenes and chairs meetings of the Parliament as necessary, at least once in two months
- signs resolutions of the Regional Parliament no later than ten days after they are passed
- can suspend a resolution of the Parliament by not signing it if he considers it to be in violation of law, or that the resolution is unfavourable for the Region; if the resolution is confirmed by the Parliament by a simple majority vote of all members, the resolution becomes valid
Office of the Košice Self-governing Region
Námestie Maratónu mieru 1
042 66 Košice
Slovak Republic
Tel: + 421 55 7268 113 (for English)
+ 421 55 7268 116
+ 421 55 7268 115 (for English)
Archív KSK
Ing. Peter Kupčík
21.03.2013 13:25
01.04.2022 15:33