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Začiatok stránky, titulka:

Regional Development

Pokračuj v čítaní alebo preskoč na menu. Ďalšie možnosti: Začiatok stránky; Zoznam sekcií; Vyhľadávanie; Pätičkové informácie.

Pokračovanie obsahu:

The main goal is to ensure sustainable economic, social and territorial development of the region. The department coordinates regional development, prepares strategies of rural development, it serves as an Intermediary Body for the EU Regional Operational Program. It cooperates with other institutions and ministries in the matters of the National regional development strategy. Other responsibilities include utilization of the EU funds, creating suitable conditions for further regional cooperation, improving business environment, preparing non-investment projects aimed on development of human resources, supporting use of renewable energy sources and territory revitalization.







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